Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend

Well our family started observing the Memorial Day Weekend on Friday.  Ray mowed Howard Cemetery with his push mower, our riding mower was out of commission.   It took Ray four and one half straight hours to walk mow the cemetery.  I cleaning the stones of the Frazee family and did some rubbing of the motifs on the stones.  Ray(Ray Keith/Rayke) was also my water carrier.  I do realize that I am a perfectionist when it comes to cleaning a stone, and it could be done faster.  The stone is first scrubbed with just water and elbow grease.  Then the stone is cleaned with a water and ammonia solution.  If the ammonia can be smelled the solution is too strong.  I like a one to four ratio.  Then the stone is rinsed.  Then the stone is cleaned with an Orvus and water solution; extremely diluted.   Then rinse, rinse and some more rinsing.  Black lichen in my experience sometime needs a tad stronger ammonia and water solution, but this is for spot cleaning ONLY. We placed flags ate each veterans grave and snapped to attention and saluted them for their service.  We also placed flags at the front on the cemetery  Ray got done and I ordered subs with my iphone, just had to run into Jimmy Johns, they were all paid for.  Got home and visited with Bud(husband/father) before he had to go to work.  Both Ray(Ray Keith/Rayke) and I were  exhausted, fed animals; took baths and  then logged on to our computer, and found out our nephew who is a police officer was involved in a accident.  He was in critical condition. He has gotten a lot better, and will make a full recovery. 
Saturday rang early, as a bottle steer likes its bottle early.  Then off to Dickerson Cemetery where Ray mowed and decorated that cemetery.  He was tired from the day before.  His feet were hurting, which I can understand as he has never been light on his feet; Stomp, Stomp, Stomp.  He came home and saddled and rode his horse. 
Sunday was working at the farm.  Bud bush hogged and Ray trimmed and mowed the barn lots and around the fencing.  A full day of work. I was the support personnel.   I went to Lowe's and bought petunia to plant at my father in laws grave.  After the boys were done at the farm, off to Bethesda Cemetery to plant flowers.  Then home so the boys could ride horses.  The dogs were so happy to see us, three days straight of us gone made them really miss us. 
Monday was spent trying to hunt up lineage for the Howard interned extended family, but Ancestry.com was running too slow.  Put the flag at the cemetery up to top at Noon. This is the only day that the American Flag after being at half staff is raised to full at Noon, other times the flag is half staff from sunrise to sunset The guys rode horses.   So that is how we spent our Memorial Day, paying our respects to our fallen brethren.

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